Describe yourself in 5 words:
Passionate, creative, compassionate, adventurous, pizza-lover
How do you handle disappointment?
Honestly, at first I sort of throw a tempter tantrum and can be very stubborn. I still want to push my ways into God's plan, but of course that never actually works. I have to realize it's not about me anyway and I know that God is still accomplishing His purposes through it. I have to remember to seek wisdom from the One who is all knowing rather than pout just because things didn't go the way I may have wanted them to.
Why don't we get everything we want when we want it?
Timing is important. We live in a society where we get everything pretty quickly, so we tend to treat God the same way. Anything God has called us to do has an appointed time. I guess you could say timing protects our purpose. It prevents us from getting into things prematurely.
How does perspective help with disappointment?
I like to take control, and I always make plans for it to go one way. I sometimes only tend to see things based on where I am or what my circumstances are, but God sees things from a completely different perspective than I do. This is when I, again, have to go back to seeking God for wisdom on where to go next.
How do you remain hopeful and have perseverance during disappointment?
Like I said, I usually throw a temper tantrum first but then realize it's not about me and it is happening for a reason. I have to cling to Scripture and that Truth, because otherwise I tend to over analyze things, and that is not healthy. I have to cling to the Truth that is God's Word.
What encouragement or advice would you give to someone going through a difficult time?
Look at where you are now, compared to where you were yesterday or a month ago. Look at the place you are now and see that as improvement. Don't rush through it though because it is in the deepest and darkest times that we learn to lean on God and see that He is who He says He is. It is in those times that God's Word becomes heart knowledge, not just head knowledge. You know God is gracious and you know God is good from reading His word, but it is in those hard times where you really get to see that in your own life. During those times, focus on learning God's character. Again don't rush through the hard times, but see what He is developing in you.
How does this mindset help you be a light in the midst of darkness?
By knowing that everything is temporary. Hope is eternal and anything that doesn't point back to hope is temporary. If I don't let it point me back to God and eternity, then how is it going to help me by holding on to it?
How does this mindset help you to encourage others?
If what I went through is temporary, then I can reassure others that their hard times will be temporary as well. Also, hope is more powerful. Hope is way more powerful. The more we look to the cross and cling to what it really means, it wipes away the things that are of no value.
What is a verse that helps you get through hard times?
In this, you greatly rejoice, even though for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. -1 Peter 1:6-7
Meet Jess!

Find Jess online: instagram @heygorjess_ | twitter @heygorjess_ | adventureswithjessblog.wordpress.com