If anyone is unashamed of the Gospel, it is Jade. Her life and pursuit of Jesus have inspired many and she constantly challenges the ideas of modern Christianity in today's world. Interviewing Jade has shown me even more about her passion for the Kingdom of God and her desire for God to be glorified, not herself. She's humble and quiet, but she will not be silenced when it comes to Jesus. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did!
1. Describe yourself in five words.
Kind, bold, dependable, calm, and adventurous.
2. How long have you been a follower of Jesus and what has been one of the most defining moments on your journey as a Christian?
I have been a follower of Jesus pretty much since my early teen years. I grew up in church but didn’t really take ownership of my relationship with Christ until I was a teenager. I have 2 pretty big defining moments during my walk with Christ. The first was moving with my family from the state of Missouri to Texas in my sophomore year of high school, and secondly, coming out of a false belief system that taught me wrongly what it truly is to be a Christian and what salvation is.
3. How do you view your specific role among the greater body of Christ? What is unique about the way that you present the Gospel to the world?
I currently believe that my specific role in the body of Christ is to be a light for Christ at my job and to be a light for Christ on social media by the things that I post. I like preaching against false mainstream Christianity in a very real and modern way. I believe that I am unique in sharing that because I have never believed in babying someone when it comes to the Word of God and I don’t believe in faking Christianity for the world. What you see is what you get with me LOL! Im not a different person on and off of social media. I don’t believe in playing church just to look good for others like a lot of people do.
4. Is there a specific woman in the Bible that you relate to or feel that you learn the most from in the season that you’re currently in (or as a Christian in general)? If so, who is it and why?
I LOVE Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel. I admire her devotion to God and her willingness to persevere through all things. She was barren for many years and even taunted by the other wife of her husband because she couldn’t have a baby. When the Lord decided to bless her with a baby, she then dedicated that baby to the Lord. Not only did she persevere when she was barren, but she gave the baby BACK to God. I seriously admire her so much!
5. How does being a woman affect the way that you share the Gospel? Have you faced challenges specific to being a woman in the Kingdom of God?
I love being a woman because I have the privilege to relate with other women who may be dealing with things similar to me and to encourage them. Yes, I have faced many challenges being a woman in the Kingdom. Many women have been very hateful and rude to me because of certain things that I have spoken on and many women said rude things to me early on about my Godly relationship. I believe it's very important for women to be led by the Holy Spirit before they open their mouths (because our emotions are higher) so that they don’t say something that can hurt others.
6. What is one thing you would like to say to other women who may be in positions similar to yours?
I would tell women to give their hurt to the Lord and attempt to understand why women may be acting that particular way towards them. Instead of firing back and arguing, pray for them because there's a reason why they act the way they are acting.
7. What has been a personal challenge during your walk with the Lord? How would you encourage others who may be experiencing the same challenges?
Currently, my biggest personal challenge with the Lord is my need for control. I'm a control freak to the Lord (lol). I need to know what's around the corner and I dislike surprises from Him. I love feeling like I have a sense of control over my life. If anyone feels the same way as me, I encourage you to read verses on worry and to realize that no matter how much you try and take control, something will most certainly happen that will show you that you don’t have control. The Lord wants you to trust in Him, so prepare for Him to put you in situations where you have no choice but to do that.
8. Do you have a specific go-to verse that helps you face these challenges or a verse that God has used to speak to you multiple times regarding various situations?
Matthew 6:33 always reassures me that God will take care of me if I just put Him first.
9. What does it mean to you to be a light in the darkness and how has being a follower of Jesus helped you to do that in your day to day life?
The world is a dark place and there are even many fake Christians. To be a light in the darkness means to really stand out and genuinely represent Christ in a way that many people don’t. It means to be truly different.
10. What is most rewarding about following Jesus and teaching others to follow Jesus?
The most rewarding things about following Jesus is realizing how much He loves me and how much grace He has given me by what He did on the Cross for me. Knowing that I can never earn His love or salvation and that He just freely gives it to us is just wow! Teaching others to follow Jesus is also crazy rewarding. To have women coming up to me at work asking me for prayer and telling me things going on with them and seeing people's lives change because they’ve accepted Christ is so humbling and amazing to see. It's SO awesome to see women come from all backgrounds of life and give their life to Christ. To be the one that planted the seed is a privilege and a gift to me.
Jade is 23 years old and is a lover of Jesus Christ, books, and her man. She is the women's teacher on LoveRenewed316, a ministry dedicated to pointing people to Jesus and loving them like He would. She currently resides in Texas and loves the life God has given to her.
Find Jade online! Twitter: @GodsGirlJade3 Instagram: @GodsGirlJade3 | @LoveRenewed316