Hey folks! I know it's been a while– I apologize. This summer has been one of the roughest seasons of my life, yet it's been a huge blessing at the same time.
I've been waiting on the Lord, which has been painful. Yet I've also been blessed with the chance to teach adorable kids (that I love dearly) about Jesus.
I've been longing for something more, and feeling frustrated more often than I'd like to admit. But I have also been learning how to walk by faith and not by sight, allowing the Lord to use me more fully right where I am.
I've been challenged, stretched, and pruned in just about every area of my life. But I've also been seeing the Lord's faithfulness time and time and time again.
Needless to say, life has been R O U G H, but God has been G O O D. Like He always is.
Pruning seasons are always difficult. They are not meant to be easy. Pruning is painful, but oh so necessary. God has us go through seasons of pruning from time to time because He is making us more like Him. If this season of your life SUCKS but you are producing more of the fruit of the Spirit, do not be discouraged. If this season of your life is not going at all how you expected it to be, but you are being conformed daily into the image of Christ, do not be discouraged. If you're wishing this season of your life would be over already, but in the mean time you're learning how to pour into and grow substantial relationships with the people around you, do not be discouraged.
God uses hard times to grow us. To teach us. To make us more like Him.
You are not doing anything wrong. You may be exactly where the Lord wants you to be! In fact, just because you're in the will of God does not mean life gets any easier. It just means you will have supernatural peace in the midst of the storm. You will have a God given confidence when things get shaky. You will not be overcome (although your emotions may say otherwise sometimes) because your hope is in Him, not in the things of this world and not in the particular season you may be in.
As much as I wish following Jesus was a walk in the park, the reality of it is that it's not. Unfortunately, that's just not how life works. We go through seasons. Some good, others not so much. Some are full of blessings, others feel like everything is being taken away from us. Some cause us to shout with joy, others simply cause us to fall on our knees and cry out to God.
Regardless of what season you are in, do not despair. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. Do not fret. The Lord has not forsaken you and you are not walking through this season of life alone even– especially– if you feel like you are.
If you are enjoying this season, wonderful! Take in every moment of it, because soon you will be entering a new season of life and you may need to hold on to the joy that this season brought. If you are not enjoying this season, be still. God is still good, even when our circumstances are not. Hold on to Him. Cling to His Word. Rest in His promises.
No matter where you are in life, the Lord has something for you. Every single moment of every single day, the Lord simply wants us to seek Him, and when we do, we will surely find Him. Whether that be on the mountaintop or down in the valley. Regardless, He is there with you.
Stand firm on His Word. Stand firm on His promises. Be grateful right where you are. This season is only temporary, it will not last forever. Learn how to embrace it while you are there. Lean into His goodness. Press into His presence. He will carry you through. He always does. For He who promised is faithful. [Hebrews 10:23]
Though the seasons change, His love remains.
Though the seasons change, His Word remains.
Though the seasons change, His promises remain.
Though the seasons change, His peace remains.
Though the seasons change, His grace remains.
Though the seasons change, His strength remains.
Though the seasons change, His mercy remains.
Though the seasons change, His goodness remains.
Though the seasons change, He remains the same.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." - Isaiah 40:8
Keep holding on to Christ. He is always good.
In His faithful love,
P.S. Here are some songs that have gotten me through some really rough times and reminded me of God's goodness in the not-so-good seasons. Enjoy ♥︎
Seasons Change | United Pursuit • Desert Song | Hillsong • Blessed Be Your Name | Matt Redman • Praise You In This Storm | Casting Crowns • Even When It Hurts | Hillsong • King of My Heart | Bethel • Trust In You | Lauren Daigle • It Is Well | Bethel • Good Good Father | Housefires • Yes and Amen | Housefires