Hey beautiful people!
First, I just want to say that I know it has literally been SO long since I posted a blog, and for that I do apologize! I've been wanting to post this one in particular since July, but life lol. So, here it finally is. And even though I've wanted to share this amazing Truth with you all for months now, I believe now it will be even more powerful because since July, I have learned even MORE pertaining to how good our God is and how important the Scriptures are.
I pray that this blesses you and somehow resonates with whichever season of life you may find yourself in. So, here we go!
Back in July, I had the wonderful opportunity of being one of the leaders at a youth camp for middle and high schoolers. If you were to ask anybody to describe what took place at this camp, I'm sure they would each highlight a different aspect of the camp, but one thing I can guarantee that each of their answers would have in common is how strong the presence of God was during that week of worship, teaching, and being surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ.
As the week went on and Friday came nearer, I was faced with the challenge of how to express to the youth that while coming to camp is great and wonderful (LITERALLY CAMP IS SO AMAZING Y'ALL), this isn't where it ends. While we come to camp and are so filled up by God and the Holy Spirit, we have to leave that place (sadly). But even though we have to leave camp and this "mountaintop experience", we do not have to leave the presence of God. I wanted them to know that the same way they experienced God during worship and prayer sessions at camp, they can experience God in their bedroom at home. We don't need big rooms and loud music and a whole worship team leading us to enter into the presence of God. God's presence is not limited to camp (or a church or a conference or anywhere else). We can experience God's presence anywhere!
How? - - - Through the Word of God.
For the few months leading up to camp, God was really working something in my heart. I talked about it in this blog post, how He was slowly but surely reviving hope and life in me again, after being so weary for so long. And it was in that process of looking to the Lord and clinging to His Word, after so many failed attempts of clinging to other things in life, that I came to understand what it means to abide in Him.
You see, God gives us His Word for multiple reasons, but ultimately His Word is given to us because it is how we draw near to the Lord. The Word is how we abide in Him. The Word is how we cling to Him. The Word is where we find Him, and in Him we find our life.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." -John 1:1
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." -John 1:14
"In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." -John 1:4
While all of the miracles and experiences and encounters with God that took place during camp were absolutely phenomenal, we cannot limit God to just those type of experiences. We can't reduce God to a God that is found only where there are cool lights and good music and a room full of people worshipping through song and dance. It is God's desire that through His Word, we may find Him at any place and in any time.
This is why God wants us to abide in Him. This is why God wants us to seek Him. This is why God wants us to drink from the living Water (that is, the Word) day and night and meditate on it. Not so we can receive things from Him, but so that we can receive Him. He wants us to dwell and live and breathe and remain in His Presence, which we do by having our hearts deep in the Word of God, and the Word of God deep in our hearts.
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.." -John 15:4-5
When we abide in the Word, we know God and His voice. (John 1:1; John 10:27)
Abiding in the Word makes known to us who God is and what He loves. We are able to know His heart more deeply and more accurately. We are able to know His true character and tear down any lies we may believe about Him. We are able to know WHY He wants us to trust Him and why we SHOULD trust Him. Abiding in the Word allows us to know Him on a personal basis because it is through His Word that God reveals Himself to His children. It is also through His Word that He makes His voice known to His children, and it is through His Word that He speaks to us.
When we abide in the Word, we know God's will (John 15:7)
By abiding and living in the Word, we grow closer to God and learn more of who He is and where His heart is, which then helps us to discern what is and isn't His will. That is why the Word tells us in John 15:7 that we can ask whatever we wish and He will do it. This verse is not telling us that we can have any and everything that we want of this world, but what it is saying is that when we are abiding in the Word of God, and when we know His heart, then we know what pleases Him and what His will is. When we are abiding in Him, His desires and His heart begin to take over our own heart, and our heart begins to align with His Word and His will. When we abide in Him, He grants us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4) because they are ultimately His desires taking place in our heart which then brings Him glory.
When we abide in the Word, we bear fruit (John 15:4-5)
Abiding in the Word does a work in our hearts that causes us to live in such a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Like I just mentioned, He begins changing the desires of our hearts when we abide in Him, and as our hearts are changing and conforming to His Will, so are our actions. The change that takes place on the inside slowly but surely begins to affect every area of our lives, and we will produce visible fruit that is glorifying to the Lord. Abiding in the Word causes us, through the Holy Spirit, to produce the inward fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and then an outward expression of this inward transformation, through our actions in the way that we love God and love others.
When we abide in the Word, we are pruned (John 15:2)
This is a hard one for me. Abiding in the Word is nice and fun and great and dandy and all that jazz until the pruning happens. Then it's even better LOL stick with me here. Recently, the Lord began stripping things out of my life. I was struggling trying to understand why, but He reminded me that I am abiding in Him, and when I abide in Him, He prunes me. He prunes the parts of me that are not fruitful and are not bringing Him glory - not just for the heck of it, but so that I will bear more fruit (John 15:2). The pruning isn't fun, it actually hurts quite a lot, but what He reminded me of is this: The extent of the pain that comes from pruning is no where near the extent of the joy that comes with righteousness. When we are pruned, we are being made more like Him. No, the process isn't fun, but the reward is absolutely phenomenal. Our greatest suffering during pruning does not amount to the greatest joy in righteousness. When we are being pruned, we are able to learn that God is STILL good, even when it hurts. We are able to grow a deeper trust and a deeper faith and a deeper cry of surrender to our God. Pruning is not my favorite, but it is essential, and the outcome is absolutely beautiful.
When we abide in the Word, we bring God glory (John 15:8)
This is it, friends. This is the end goal. This is our reason for living. This is the core desire of our souls. To bring glory to the One who deserves it the most: Jesus Christ. When we abide in Him, all of the above happens. And when all of the above happens, we glorify God. We are able to let others know that in and of ourselves, we can do nothing. It is only in Christ that we are able to bear eternal fruits of righteousness that will last beyond our death. It is only in Christ that we are able to find joy amidst the pain and suffering. It is only in Christ that we fully come alive and become who God truly intended for us to be. All of these things happen not only for our good, but ultimately, they happen for the glory of God. We abide in Him, so that God may be glorified. This is the reason we live in Him: That we may know Him, and that He may get the glory from every aspect of our lives.
God invites us all to abide in Him. He invites us to drink deep from the overflowing well of His Living Water. He invites us to taste and see that He is good. He invites us to come and drink, to come and feast at His table. He invites us to lay down our lives, and to pick up our crosses and to follow Him. He invites us to see that life without Him is not a life truly lived. He invites us to come truly and fully alive in His presence. He invites us to come to Him and be rid of our shame and brokenness. He invites us to come to Him, and be filled like never before. He invites us to come and experience grace and mercy that overwhelms our souls. He invites you to come and experience deep, deep relationship with Him. He is the Lover of your soul. He is the One whom your heart desires. So come. Come, and be filled. Come, and find joy. Come and be met by Love Himself.
Y'all, hear my heart: Please read your Bible. And don't stop there. Don't just read it, but get it deep, deep, deep down into your hearts. There is so much treasure to be found there. God has SO MUCH for us, if only we would open the Word, and STAY there. Nothing in this earth will fill us like He does. He is worth every single aspect of our lives. I promise you, once you make your way to the overwhelming goodness of the Lord, you will not look back.
Blessings in Christ Jesus,