I'm sure most of you are familiar with the game Candy Crush, and if you're not, well.. consider yourself lucky lol. Candy Crush is a {very addictive} game, where you basically try to line up 3+ of the same color candies in order to accomplish the goal set for whichever level you are on. I actually haven't been playing Candy Crush for that long, I only started around finals time at the end of this past semester (which was not smart lol!), but I indeed found myself very into this game and playing it rather often. The other day while I was playing Candy Crush, I noticed something that made me laugh because it reminded me so much of my life.
During any level in Candy Crush, if you're stuck and can't find a move to make, or if you're taking too long to make a move, the game will give you a hint about what move to make. Certain candy pieces will start to move just a little bit to catch your attention so you'll see that you can swipe the moving candies to make a match. You are by no means forced to use the pieces that are being shown to you, but the option is given to you.
So the other day when I was playing Candy Crush and watching these little candies start moving around every time I took to long to make a move, I kept thinking "But that's not what I want to do!" And then I started paying attention to what I was thinking, and began to laugh because how often are we like that with God? I don't know about you, but I know I'm like that pretty frequently. But why?
Here are a few things I noticed about the similarities between the hints given on Candy Crush and God/the promptings of the Holy Spirit:
Our rebellion:
I already mentioned my initial response when Candy Crush gives me hints at what moves to make next. Rarely do I immediately go with what it's telling me to do, because I already had in mind what I wanted to do, and if it's not what the game is telling me to do, then I probably won't do it. It's okay when it's a game, but when that's also my reaction when it comes to God telling me to do something, then that's a problem. I want my heart to not just say, but to live out the words "Not my will, but Yours be done".
The Persistency:
When the candies start moving, giving you a hint that you should swipe them, it's not just a one time thing. It happens consistently each and every time you are taking an extended pause before making the next move. And once they start moving, they don't stop after a little bit of time, they keep going. They are persistent. They are waiting to see what you are going to do. Just like the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn't just prompt you one time and then never again. No, if you're sensitive to the Holy Spirit, you will recognize that prompting happening time and time again in various situations. Whether it's through an increased heart rate, through a sense of knowing, through a sudden urge to do something, or other ways the Holy Spirit speaks to you, the Holy Spirit will make it known to you when something needs to happen. Whether we act immediately on the prompting of the Holy Spirit, or wait a while, that prompting doesn't go away after a certain time frame. It doesn't say "You didn't obey last time so you're never getting this again", no. The Holy Spirit is persistent. It doesn't rush you, nor does it grow weary waiting on you. It simply continues to prompt you until you decide to move or until the opportunity passes by -- but only to give you another chance when the next opportunity comes up.
There to Help:
When I'm playing Candy Crush and get frustrated because these annoying candy pieces are trying to get me to make a move I don't want to make, I have to remember first that it's just a game lol, but second, that these hints are there to help. Never is a hint given in this game that will not make a match. Never is a hint given that will hurt you. Every hint is given in order to help you out and to help you reach the goal that is set before you. God operates the same way. He will never tell you to do something that isn't for your good. He won't tell you to do something that harms you. It may hurt, it may stretch and scare you, but you will come out better on the other side of obeying. So instead of getting frustrated with God when He tells you to do something. Remember that He's there to help you and He is working all things out together for your good (Romans 8:28).
Purpose Beyond Understanding:
Sometimes when I get a hint during the game, I wonder "Why would they do that?" if I see a move that I could make but it's not the one they're pointing out to me. Then I'm left with the choice, go with what I think is best, or follow what the game is telling me to do. So often I choose to do what I think is best, simply because it's what I think is best. And again, this is perfectly fine when it is only happening in Candy Crush. But what about when it happens in life? When you're faced with a decision to make, and you can do what you think is best, or you can go with what you feel that God is telling you to do? What happens? It can be so incredibly easy to do what makes sense to us, simply because it makes sense to us. But what doesn't make sense to us makes sense to God. There is purpose beyond our understanding that we may never experience if we refuse to trust God and instead only choose to trust ourselves.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" ~Isaiah 55:8-9
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." ~Proverbs 3:5
"Jesus answered and said to him, 'What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this." ~John 13:7
Free Will:
At the end of the day, we have free will in Candy Crush and in life. We can choose to make the move that is being pointed out to us in Candy Crush, or we can choose to make a different move that we find more beneficial. We can choose to follow what God is saying and to act when we are prompted by the Holy Spirit, or we can choose to ignore it and do something different. At the end of the day, God has given us free will and that is what makes this walk with God that much more beautiful. God isn't going to force you to do something. The Holy Spirit will prompt you at the right time, and God will speak when He chooses to, but we are given the ability to listen and obey or.. not. God has given US the choice. The ball is in our court. If we choose to obey and follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit in the midst of doubt, confusion, worry, or whatever else goes through your mind, then wonderful! This brings all the more glory to God and shows your devotion and love to Him. If we choose not to obey, it's not the end of the world. He has given us free will for a reason, and He wants us to use it to follow Him into the unknown, but when we don't, He's not holding it against us. We serve a forgiving God and a loving God. No, I'm not saying to abuse God's goodness, BUT I am saying cut yourself some slack. Give yourself room to make mistakes. Then give yourself grace for the mistakes you have made, just as God does. The world isn't over when you miss out on an opportunity to obey God. It just means you'll be given another opportunity, and next time, make the conscious decision to obey and follow through with the choice you have made. In Candy Crush, even if I choose to make a different move than what is being shown to me, I oftentimes still beat the level. And if I don't? I have a chance to redo the level. The game isn't over. It continues. The same thing applies to your life. God will always give you another chance to obey Him. He can still use your disobedience and turn the story around for you. He can use your rebellion and turn it around for His glory. We have free will, but God is still sovereign.
Next time the Holy Spirit prompts you to do or say something, don't ignore it. You might question it, doubt it, be taken aback by it, but don't ignore it. And if you do, know that there is always a next time. The Holy Spirit prompts us not just for the sake of prompting us, but for the sake of the world around us. The world is looking for people who are willing to be moved by the Holy Spirit and are daring to let the Holy Spirit move them. The world is looking for more than church-goers. The world is looking for a people who know the real Jesus, who know the real God they serve, and who know and operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Let the Lord use you. Do not shrink back in fear. The next time you find the Holy Spirit prompting you, act on it.
Be blessed abundantly! ♥
- Elisha :)
Next time the Holy Spirit prompts you to do or say something, don't ignore it. You might question it, doubt it, be taken aback by it, but don't ignore it. And if you do, know that there is always a next time. The Holy Spirit prompts us not just for the sake of prompting us, but for the sake of the world around us. The world is looking for people who are willing to be moved by the Holy Spirit and are daring to let the Holy Spirit move them. The world is looking for more than church-goers. The world is looking for a people who know the real Jesus, who know the real God they serve, and who know and operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Let the Lord use you. Do not shrink back in fear. The next time you find the Holy Spirit prompting you, act on it.
Be blessed abundantly! ♥
- Elisha :)