Reason #1: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are our presidential candidates. (Kidding, totally kidding.... kinda, sorta, not really. But this isn't about politics LOL)
Okay okay, on a serious note.
This isn't a blog to bash America. There are definitely a lot of things about America that I dislike, but just pointing out the bad in this country doesn't do any good if I'm not going to take a step and work towards creating a change. So that's not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to point out that there is so much good OUTSIDE of America, that if we never leave America we will never get to see. So, come with me on this "journey" as I discuss what my personal travels have taught me about all the world has to offer.
The world is so much bigger than you and me. It's bigger than America. It's bigger than where we live currently. It's bigger than where we grew up, attend church, and go to school. It's so much bigger than anything we can experience where we are here and now. Our lives only occupy a very limited portion of this world. Never getting out of what you know and have always know, how can you expect to have a proper view of the world? You can't.
Go somewhere new, go somewhere different. Go learn about a people who are different than yourself. Go be with people who do not have the same "necessities" as you do. And then realize that they are not necessities, as you actually can live without them as most people in the world do. Go find a place where people don't speak English as their native language. Better yet, go to a place where they worship our Lord Jesus Christ in a language you can't understand, and let it put you in awe at how BIG our God is. Find a place where you will not be a part of the majority. Find a place that makes you uncomfortable. Find a place that forces you to look at others and see their differences, not as something they need to rid themselves of to become more like you, but as something that makes them who they are. Allow yourself to see their differences as another kind beautiful, not to compare to your own beauty but to appreciate and admire theirs for what it is apart from your own beauty standards.
Go somewhere that values community. Somewhere that you can see that the entire village really does raise their children together. Go somewhere that is not so individualistic and self centered in nature. Go somewhere that shows you what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. Go somewhere where they bond over eating meals together. And I don't just mean sitting at the same table (although, that is definitely part of it). I mean somewhere where you are sharing plates and bowls. Somewhere you are sharing utensils. Somewhere you are feeding each other with your hands. Go somewhere that teaches you not to be so stuck on not wanting to spread germs that you forfeit the intimacy and closeness that it brings.
Go somewhere that has no sense of personal space. Somewhere that makes you extremely uncomfortable when you're constantly surrounded by people who are "too close" or "in your bubble". Somewhere that makes you realize that that is okay, like really. It's fine. You'll live. Go somewhere that makes you realize you don't always need to stand 5 feet away from the person next to you if you don't know them. Go somewhere that makes you aware that people are just that. People. Yes they may be different than you but they are still people. Go somewhere that people are valued more than meetings and agendas. Go somewhere where people are not always in a rush to get somewhere and will instead spend time with you, without making you feel like a burden or barrier to something more important. Go somewhere where people will actually take time out of what they are doing in order to engage in conversation with you because they actually care and are interested in knowing you, and not because they feel obligated to do so.
Go somewhere where people are genuinely kind and want to help. Somewhere where people won't give you strange looks for asking a question. Go somewhere where hospitality is second nature. Somewhere where you'll be treated as if they've known you your whole life and didn't just meet you. Go somewhere where people want to hear your point of view and are interested in what you have to say without any intention whatsoever of starting an argument with you. Go somewhere where you can engage in healthy dialogue about culture differences, and learn from each other. Go somewhere where you are appreciated and accepted and celebrated, and learn how you can also do the same for them.
Go somewhere that shows you that yes, your life is important, but so are the lives of others. Somewhere that teaches you that different is not weird, but good. Even if you don't understand it. Go somewhere that teaches you the beauty of diversity. Go somewhere that allows you to see yourself through a different lens than you have seen yourself all the years of your life. Go somewhere new. Somewhere different. See yourself in a new light. Learn things about yourself that you would have never otherwise known. Go somewhere that humbles you. Somewhere that gets rid of
Go somewhere that makes you see and value life differently. Somewhere that gives you a new meaning of happiness. Somewhere that shows you that there is more to life than what mainstream America feeds you.
And with the concept of travel or wanting to travel, comes excitement for some, but a large number of excuses, fears, and anxiety for others. If you find yourself in that second category, don't let that stop you. Yes, there is a lot of cruelty in the world, but there is also a lot of beauty. Don't let fear of the bad keep you from venturing out in order to see the good. Go despite the fears, the challenges, the setbacks. Yes, as you travel and venture outside of America, you might miss the comforts and familiarity of home. You might miss having family and friends close by, stable wifi, and being able to eat your favorite foods. You might miss knowing your way around town and miss being able to hang out at your favorite coffee shop. But trust me, compared to everything that you may miss, you will have gained so much more. And at the end of it all, you will be a changed person and you will love yourself for it.
So leave. Leave America. Leave what is known to you. Leave your privilege and your first world "problems" behind. It doesn't have to be permanent, it doesn't even have to be for a "long" time. You just need to leave.
You might not know where exactly to go to find all of these things, but just go.
Like the Lord told Abram in Genesis 12:1 "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you." Did Abram know where he was going? No. But he knew he had to go, so he did.
So I'm telling you to go.
Go explore the world.
Go find yourself.
Loose yourself from the constraints put onto you by this country.
Go be free.
Oh, btw– I know there are places in America full of different cultures where you can find a lot of what I have mentioned. And I know that there are some places in the world where you maybe won't be able to find the things I have mentioned. A lot of this blog was inspired from things I experienced in Ghana, which may or may not apply to other countries as well. But regardless of where in the world you can find these things, I urge you to get out of wherever you are now and go look for them. Leaving America is ideal, but if that's just completely unrealistic for you, then just go find a place with a different demographic than you are used to. I don't really care where you go in the world to experience these things (although I suggest Ghana because I'm biased),
J U S T G O.