One thing I love about the natural hair movement is that it has allowed us to be who we are. And not only has it allowed us, it has encouraged us. It has encouraged us to fully embrace our natural hair and the way that God has made us. It has given us the ability to stand in front of a mirror and be pleased with what we see. It has allowed us to to be able to walk around fully confident with the way that we look and with who we are. It has helped us fully embrace our hair, and along with that, every other aspect of our appearance.
Before I go any further, no beauty is not all about appearance, and no our identity is not wrapped up in our beauty. Beauty is not all about the way that you look, the clothes you wear, or even your hairstyle. That is not at all what beauty is, and that is surely not what our identity is. But because so many people have been misinformed for so long about this, and have therefore not seen themselves as "pretty" or "beautiful" because of the way that they look, I think it is something that needs to be addressed.
People are fed lies from early ages about how they should look. About the color their skin needs to be. About how long and straight their hair needs to be. About how skinny they need to look. About how ____ needs to change, whatever "that" may be, you fill in the blank. The society we live in has tried to get us to alter our appearances for so long because we didn't fit what they decided was "beautiful", and we have been told over and over and over again that we aren't "pretty enough".
But hear me when I say this.
I don't care what you look like, you are beautiful. Cliché, I know. But oh so true. Low self esteem issues that started among young girls (and guys) has blossomed into a multitude of identity issues that young women (and men) face today. Those micro-aggressions we heard throughout our elementary years? The insults that have been thrown at us for years and then swept under a rug as if they didn't really hurt? They are not forgotten. They are not easily dismissible. And if you lie to yourself and try to convince yourself that they didn't really hurt, you're not actually fooling yourself. If these things aren't addressed, and when I say addressed, I mean addressed at the root, then these things can cause internal damage that can take years to restore. It's not just damage to our appearance, but damage to ourselves as a whole. Appearance is not everything, but it plays such a crucial role in the way that we view ourselves. Therefore, we need to learn the truth about ourselves so that we can get rid of the distorted views we have of our identities, have our minds and hearts restored, and be set free.
If we are able to get away from the lies, from the misinformation, from the false and inaccurate standards and definitions of what beauty is, we will be able to see that we are beautiful. We. Us. Me + you. Whoever is reading this, I want you to get that you are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. No, you are not perfect, but who said you had to be? Since when do you have to be perfect to accept the beauty that you possess? You don't. Embrace yourself and everything about you. That is what makes you beautiful.
That is beauty. That is truth. Accept it.
Embrace you. Embrace your appearance. Embrace your natural hair, no matter the type and no matter the texture. Embrace your flaws, no matter if others see them as something that needs improving. Embrace your imperfections, and know they are a part of who you are. Know that these are the things that make you you, and you are not something less because of them.
So hold your head up high and own your curls, girl. And if you don't have curls, own what makes you you. Whether that be your smile, your nose, your freckles, your teeth, your dimples, your curves, your laugh, or your whatever. I don't care what it is.
Embrace it, own it, and be you bravely.
"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful. I know that full well."
-Psalm 139:14
- ♡ Elisha