What a year it has been. I know the year isn't over yet, but wow. So much has happened thus far in 2016, and so much more is to come. Here's to new ideas and new opportunities. Here's to us stepping into more of what God has planned for us. Here's to new chapters, new beginnings, and new seasons.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." -Isaiah 43:19, ESV
As this new season is upon us, God is doing more in us and through us. He is calling His Church to arise, to wake up, to be His hands and His feet in a world that so desperately needs Him but doesn't even recognize their insufficiency without Him. He is calling us to repentance and to a greater acknowledgement of and dependency on Him. He is calling us to seek Him with everything that we have, with more urgency and seriousness than we have ever before. He is calling us to finally let go of the things that have held us captive for far too long. He has given us freedom and is now asking us to walk and live in it. He is equipping us to walk fully in our callings of loving Him and loving others, so that people may come to know Christ and so that He may be glorified. He is indeed doing a new thing, and oh I hope you are ready.
As we venture on this journey, He has something for every single one of us. I just pray that you would receive what He has for you. The time of waiting is no more. The time is now. God is moving NOW and you have a role to play is His beautiful plan of revival and redemption, and bringing His glory to the nations.
So here's to us. Here's to us being His lights in a dark dark world. Here's to us letting Him use us as He sees fit, whether or not it aligns with the agenda we have created for ourselves. Here's to us, once again surrendering every single thing that we have, letting go of our entire lives for the Kingdom. Here's to us saying "Lord, You can have me. You can use me. All I am and all I have is Yours. Have Your way." Here's to the change that is already taking place in us as we feel the Lord stirring our hearts. Here's to this new beginning that is already here. Here's to us laying down our lives so we can bring the hope of Jesus Christ to those who don't know Him. Here's to us saying, not my will, but Yours be done.
Here's to us, being used by the Lord, because in our own strength and our own doing, nothing will ever happen.
Here's to us. Here's to a new beginning. Here's to God, and what He is doing at this very moment.
Here's to the seasons that are changing, and our God who is ever faithful through all of it. Here's to promises being fulfilled, people being restored, and nations being redeemed. Here's to Heaven coming to Earth.
Here's to the rest of 2016, the year of revival.