Here we are, almost at the end of 2016.
I seriously cannot BELIEVE that we are coming to the end of yet another year.
This year has been one of the best yet most challenging years of my life. It's had its share of ups and downs, but overall it has been S O G O O D to see and be a part of all that the Lord is doing here and now in the earth. It has been full of expectations, revelations and visitations from the Lord. This year has been one that has stretched me and caused me to grow in ways I would have never previously thought possible. I did things that I've always wanted to do but was never brave enough to actually do. I've done things that scared me and made me cry, but I am so glad that I did them. I stepped out of my comfort zone, followed Jesus into scary situations, and completely embraced being in the unknown and simply walking by faith when Jesus asked me to do something.
What a year it has been. In one sense, it was nothing like I expected it to be. Yet in another, it has been way way way more than I could have ever imagined.
At the end of this year, I can simply look back and see that God is G O O D.
Here are some of the things that I've learned this year (some that I wish I would have realized sooner). Not nearly everything can be summed up in a simple blog post, but here are some of the things I just want to share with you:
1. Fear prevents real, genuine, life-giving friendships from being formed.
Real friendships, and any relationship really, require vulnerability. Friendships require real, raw, open, honest truth. They require you to let down your walls and let your guard down and open up. They require you to stop putting on a facade and just be who you really are. They require humility. They require bravery. They require truth and trust.
Trust me when I say I know how hard this can be. I know how hard it can be to trust people. I know what it's like to be self-conscious about what they may think of you, especially if they don't know you that well. I know how challenging it can be if you've been hurt by people before. But please do not let past hurts and fears prevent you from getting to know someone and allowing them to get to know you. You do not want to miss out on friendships/ relationships that can and will completely bless your life because you were too busy trying to keep that wall you built around your heart. Let people in. It's not the easiest thing to do, and I know there is always the chance that you will be hurt, but I promise you, once you let go of the fear of being hurt, you will be blessed.
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” -C.S. Lewis
Side note: Of course you always want to use discernment when it comes to sharing details of your life with others, but also be wise with it and don't use what you call "discernment" as an excuse to keep barriers between yourself and others. After all, as followers of Jesus, we are supposed to love others, and we can't properly do that if we're building barriers between us and others.
2. Routines are not always a good thing
This one for me is a bit challenging. See, I'm the kind of person who needs routine and a schedule and a to-do list, or things just simply won't get done. In that sense, routines are a HUGE blessing. They keep me on track, they keep me productive, they keep me from getting (as) distracted (as I would without them).
However, routines have a tendency to make me miss out on life. Things become mundane and repetitious, and if I am not intentional about really engaging with what I am doing, it becomes just another thing for me to get done. It can quickly turn into me trying to get through things, not realizing that the process is so important, not just what waits on the other side (THIS is another lesson I've learned, and that will preach! But I'll save it for another post, lol).
Not having a set routine while I have been on break from school has been challenging in some ways but a blessing in other ways. I have been able to spend time with people without worrying about what I need to be doing instead. I have been able to read and write because I want to, not because I feel the need to get it done. Not having a routine allows me to have those God-sent interruptions that would usually throw me off track, but instead because of not having a routine to follow, I have been able to take those interruptions, engage with them, and see God at work in the midst.
"To continue with your plans without regarding life's interruptions is
to ignore God's leading and voice." -Priscilla Shirer
3. Cherish every moment and every person
Don't take anything for granted. I know, this is so so so much easier said than done. But when you realize that everything can literally change in a split second, it becomes easier.
Cherish the times spent with loved ones, even if they are annoying you or things aren't going as planned. Cherish the times you get to talk to and communicate with loved ones at ease, without hard time differences and bad wifi connections (ha, kidding sorta lol. Cherish those as well, for they are teaching you patience amongst other things). Cherish the times that made you smile and laugh, and also the times that made you cry. Cherish those moments where you are stressed out and feel like giving up. You will look back on those times and see how much you learned during those hard seasons. Cherish the good times and the good people, but also the bad times and the difficult seasons. You don't get any day back. Learn to cherish them all. Learn to find something to be grateful for in every single season of life that you are in.
"All of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason
to sing; I have a reason to worship." -Hillsong, "Desert Song"
Learn to see the good in everyone and cherish them for it. Learn to point out the good in people, not ignoring their flaws, but not focusing on them either. Recognize how blessed you are that you have people in your life to begin with. Life is not meant to be lived alone, so praise Jesus that you don't have to go through life alone. Thank the people in your life for being in your life. Cherish them. Let them know you care. Let them know how special they are to you.
4. Words matter; Speak life
This is probably my favorite thing I've learned this year. I've heard it countless times before, but in the latter part of this year, it finally made sense. To keep it simple: W A T C H Y O U R M O U T H. We (especially me) can be SO quick to complain, to speak negatively, to be rude or to talk about people (even if we're joking). But what we (I) don't realize is that our words carry weight. Our words have power. I'm not necessarily saying we "speak things into existence" but what I am saying is that the words of your mouth produce fruit. Your words should be glorifying to God and edifying to the body of Christ. If it's not, don't say it. Use your words for good, not evil. Speak LIFE over yourselves, your families, your health, your education, your career, or any other situation you may find yourself in. Learn to turn your complaints into praises and thanksgiving. Don't simply say things just to say them. Your words matter and have influence, so watch your mouth.
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." -Proverbs 18:21
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who listen." -Ephesians 4:29
"If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless." -James 1:26
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." -James 3:9-10
5. Our lives should share the hope of Jesus to the world around us
It's easy to be overwhelmed, stressed, annoyed, sad, angry, bitter, or any other negative emotion you can think of because of everything we see going on in the world around us on a daily basis. But what I had to come to understand is that we can either be upset with the non-believers next to us, or (like I just mentioned) we can speak life into those negative atmospheres. Please understand that no, I am not saying you cannot have emotions. I get it. We're humans. We're going to have emotions. Things are going to upset us. Things are going to make us angry and sad and confused and annoyed. I'm not saying we can't be any of those things. But what I AM saying, is that because we know Jesus as our source of hope, we can have hope in the midst of despair. We can then bring this hope to the people around us who are dealing with the same, if not worse, emotions that we are dealing with.
We have Jesus. Jesus is our hope. We can bring hope into any hopeless situation. Our lives should give this message. We should be giving this message of hope. If we're just as hopeless as the person next to us, then something isn't right. I know how rough this year has been for so many people, I get it. But the good news is that we do not have to sulk around and stay in this pit of despair. Y'ALL! WE HAVE HOPE!! There is a broken and hurting world out there who needs the hope that WE as Christians have. Your life should be one that portrays this. It's easy to get bombarded and overwhelmed with the chaos of the world, but do not let that make you forget about the hope you have in Christ. Someone needs this hope. We as Christians have the great privilege to share it.
This has been the most convicting lesson that I've learned this year because it was taught to me in a hard situation where I was letting the despair of the world rid me of my hope and joy. In the midst of a very hard day for a lot of people, someone asked me what message I was giving to people that day. It was then that it hit me that during hard times like that is the perfect opportunity for us to share the hope of Christ, the one thing I did not do. As a result of my inaction, people continued to feel hopeless and helpless.
Y'all, we have hope. The world needs it. May our lives send out a message of hope that is found in Christ Jesus, and may the people and world around us be changed because of it.
We have Jesus. Jesus is our hope. We can bring hope into any hopeless situation. Our lives should give this message. We should be giving this message of hope. If we're just as hopeless as the person next to us, then something isn't right. I know how rough this year has been for so many people, I get it. But the good news is that we do not have to sulk around and stay in this pit of despair. Y'ALL! WE HAVE HOPE!! There is a broken and hurting world out there who needs the hope that WE as Christians have. Your life should be one that portrays this. It's easy to get bombarded and overwhelmed with the chaos of the world, but do not let that make you forget about the hope you have in Christ. Someone needs this hope. We as Christians have the great privilege to share it.
This has been the most convicting lesson that I've learned this year because it was taught to me in a hard situation where I was letting the despair of the world rid me of my hope and joy. In the midst of a very hard day for a lot of people, someone asked me what message I was giving to people that day. It was then that it hit me that during hard times like that is the perfect opportunity for us to share the hope of Christ, the one thing I did not do. As a result of my inaction, people continued to feel hopeless and helpless.
Y'all, we have hope. The world needs it. May our lives send out a message of hope that is found in Christ Jesus, and may the people and world around us be changed because of it.
6. God provides.
God provides. He sees your need. He's got it covered. I promise you. Just trust Him. Take a deep breath, relax, and wait for God to prove Himself to be faithful yet again.
“Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”
They answered Him, “No.”
And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.”
- John 21:5-6
Your great need makes room for His abundant supply. He provides. Whatever you are in need of, whether it be, peace, joy, love, finances, friendship, wisdom, help, or anything else, you can trust God to be your source. Our God is THE provider. Look to Him for all of your needs to be met, be constantly amazed at how faithful He is, and remain humble with a grateful heart.
Embrace these last few days of 2016, and reflect on the things that YOU have learned this year! There's much to be learned in 2017 as well, so get ready!
"To stop learning is to stop growing; always remain teachable." -Michael John Bobak
"To stop learning is to stop growing; always remain teachable." -Michael John Bobak
Stay blessed,