"Just write."
"Write what? I don't know what to write. I don't have words. I don't know what to say. I don't know where to start."
"Just write."
"Just write."
This is a conversation I have been having with the Lord for the past two weeks or so. You see, I'm a planner. I like to plan what I write before I write it, especially for a blog. I don't want to just get on here and start rambling. But every time I thought about planning, I was getting nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing except "Just write." But I can't write nothing, so I never did. I never made the time to simply get out a journal and just write.
I thought I didn't have time. I did, but for some reason it scared me. What would come out? What would I say? What words would appear? I know there is so much on the inside of me that I am afraid of facing, so I just avoided it. I did not write. I simply thought about writing. But I did not write.
So here I am, writing this. Without planning, without knowing what is coming next. Literally, I am just writing. I don't even know where this is going.
All I know is that the Lord told me to "Just write", so that is what I am doing.
So often we don't do things we want to do because of the fear of what would happen if we actually did. What would happen if I just start writing? What would happen if I speak up? What would happen if I use my voice to sing? What would happen if I start to learn a new skill? What would happen if I started painting? What would happen if I began to dance? What would happen if I took my dreams seriously and actually started chasing them?
What if I fail? What if I get nervous? What if I ramble? What if it doesn't make sense? What if I mess up? What if---. We go on and on and on with questions, doubts, fears, but God is not asking us about the "What if". God is telling us to just do the thing.
Whatever that thing may be, do it.
You know what it is.
It's something that might scare you. It's something that excites you, but thinking about actually doing it may make you a bit nervous.
Well, just do it.
You never know what will come from it.
Take a risk. Trust the Lord. Leap. Faithfully. Confidently.
It doesn't have to be graceful. It doesn't have to be beautiful. It doesn't have to sound good.
Just do it.
No idea who this is for, or even why the Lord has been telling me to just write.
But words have power. Words connect people. Written words express things I could never figure out how to say aloud.
Your life is meaningful. Your life is beautiful.
You may not be a writer or a singer or a dancer,
But what I do know is that you were made to worship. You were made to worship a King who absolutely adores you. And one of the ways we worship our God is by using the gifts and talents He has given us.
So no matter how unprepared/scared/nervous/inadequate/not ready/HOWEVER you feel,
do it anyway.
If the Lord has pressed it upon your heart to start, then start. Go. Do.
No holding back.
Just act.
Use those gifts and talents to tell the world of His goodness.
Blessings to you all,
***I seriously want to hear y'all's stories. If there has been something that you are being led to do but you don't exactly know how to do it/where to start please let me know. Reach out to me. I'd LOVE to chat with you! Leave a comment/send me a message :)
Let's talk! Twitter: @elisshhaa_ | Instagram: @justkeeepsmiling