God took it upon Himself to give us a way to know Him.
He did it all throughout the Bible and continues to do it today. In the Old Testament, He called people by name and met with them when they entered into His presence. In the New Testament, Jesus physically walked the earth to meet with people. Then He left the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of all believers after His death, resurrection, and ascension.
Today, we can be confident that God is not only with us, but He dwells within us. He makes His home in our hearts. We can look to and trust in Him with full confidence that He is there.
He came to us that we might know Him. He came to us and continues to draw us to Him by the power of the Holy Spirit in us.
Just as we desire to be known and loved, He desires to be known by us, too. Not just that we might know about Him, but that we might fully know Him.
He came to us to make that possible.
May we live each and everyday knowing who our Father is.