He's been here the entire time. He's been with you the entire time. He promises never to leave you nor forsake you, He hasn't then and He won't now.
Through every heartache, sad day, and pain, He's been there.
Through every smile, laugh, and tear of joy, He's been there.
Through every accomplishment and victory in the battle, He's been there.
Through every set back and opponent you couldn't defeat, He's been there.
He was there then, and He is here now. You have not walked through this life alone. You will not walk through this life alone. God is too good of a God to leave you alone. He cares about you too much and has love for you too deep to leave you on your own. His very nature won't allow Him to.
Every moment, every disaster, every failure, every time of rejoicing, every night of crying, every mundane and ordinary task, and every burden you've carried, He has been there. Right there. The whole time.
He has never let you walk alone, and He never will. He is real. He is here. He is yours. Right here. Right now.
Rest in His presence and just breathe. Your Abba Father loves you.
Rest in His presence and just breathe. Your Abba Father loves you.