Your hard days are an invitation to know God deeper.
In your brokenness and pain, God whispers to let Him in. To let Him hold you and to carry you. Your brokenness does not scare God away, but gives Him reason to come close.
Jesus didn't come for the healthy, but for the sick. Not for the strong, but for the weak. He came not for those who had this life figured out all on their own, but for the ones who needed help. The ones who needed a Savior.
My areas of lack are an invitation to let God in and see Him move. Your areas of inadequacy are an invitation to see God be God and show that He is always more than enough.
We do not have to hold it all together, but we can trust the One who does. We are not too broken for the Lord, but our brokenness make us the perfect recipients of Himself.
Let yourself be weak. Let yourself fall apart. His arms are strong enough to carry you and to hold you.
You don't have to have it all together. Leave that job to the only One who can.
You are allowed and invited to rest peacefully and securely in God's everlasting arms.
Let God be God, and simply come to Him. Rest in Him. Hope in Him. Rejoice in Him.
For in Him, you have all that you need.
Peace to you,