Nobody who walked with Jesus and stayed loyal to Him did so because they were seeking fame or recognition for themselves. They weren't following Him and remaining dedicated to Him because they knew that He was going to make history, and that therefore they would too. That wasn't their goal. That wasn't their focus. They simply followed Jesus because they wanted Him.
The women who checked for Jesus' body at the tomb didn't do so because they knew they would go down in history for being the first ones there. The woman who broke the jar of perfume and anointed Jesus' feet didn't do so because she wanted to be remembered. The disciples who dropped everything to follow Him didn't do so because they knew their stories would be recorded and read for generations to come.
None of these people sought glory and recognition for themselves. They weren't seeking out a way to make history. They were simply worshipping Jesus, and making history is just what naturally happened.
But they weren't seeking it. They weren't trying to be remembered. They weren't trying to find fame and recognition. They weren't trying to make history. They were simply being with the One who came to them because they just wanted Him.
The temptation to treat Jesus as a means to get something else is so great in this world. We might think, if I follow Jesus, He might give me a platform. If I preach the Gospel, He might draw people to my conferences. If I post a picture of my quiet time, I might get a lot of likes and/or followers.
It's so easy to get caught up in what He can do for us or give to us, when we should simply be caught up just being with Him.
It was never Christ's intention that we use Him to make a name for ourselves, in fact, it was quite the opposite. John the Baptist said it best: "He must increase. I must decrease." (John 3:30)
May we realize and recognize that nothing in this life is about us. Everything we do should point to the only One who is worthy. And that is Jesus.
Our motivation for picking up our crosses and following Him should be none other than He who bore the Cross on our behalf.
To aim to make history is a cheap exchange for the true value of the aim to know the Lord.
And when we take the focus off of ourselves, and remember why we are here in the first place (to bring glory and honor to Jesus), we not only make history, but we make impact that reaches to eternity.
May our focus be on the only One who is worthy, for that alone is what truly marks this world.
In Christ,