Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that His hour had come to leave this world and return to His Father. He had loved His disciples during His ministry on earth, and now He loved them to the very end. (John 13:1)
He loved them to the very end.
He knew the depth and the extent of everything that was about to take place over the next several hours. And still He loved His disciples to the very end.
He chose love. It was more than a feeling. He made the choice to choose love for His disciples all throughout His earthly ministry, and now, leading up to the cross, He chose love again and again and again.
It wasn't just while they were out in ministry together. It wasn't just while He was teaching them. It wasn't just when they were sharing meals.
He chose love moment after moment, day after day, through it all.
Even in the darkest hours leading up to the most dreadful moment in history, He chose love.
I cannot imagine what that must have been like. Living a life full of love on display, and then even in the time of greatest need, choosing to extend that love even further.
The day before the crucifixion, He loved His disciples as they shared a meal. He loved them in service to them as He washed their feet. He loved them even as He explained that Judas would betray Him and Peter would deny Him.
He lived and breathed love, even to the very end.
His entire ministry on earth was an act of His love. Him even deciding to come to earth in the first place– it was an act of love.
And of course, His death on the cross, it was all love.
Jesus loved then, and He loves now. He loved the disciples every moment of every day, even to the very end of His life here on earth. Even on the cross, He poured out His love.
And not just for them. But for you and me, too. He poured out His love for us all. Even the very ones who arrested Him and nailed Him to the cross.
To the every end, He chose love.
And He still chooses love even today. For scripture tells us that He always lives to intercede on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25).
When no one else is rooting for you, Jesus is. Even when you can't root for yourself, Jesus does. He is rooting for you, interceding for you, and is with you in ways that your human mind cannot even begin to comprehend.
He made this promise to His disciples and it still stands true today. He loves us and is with us. To the very end. ♥︎
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
(Matthew 28:20)
(Matthew 28:20)
In His Love,