The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Close to those who are crushed in spirit. Close to those who are hurting and helpless. Close to those who feel hopeless.
The Lord is close. You don't have to worry about your pain or your weakness or anything else driving Him away.
For He is close. He comes close. He will not turn away.
These things are not too powerful to put a wedge between you and the Lord. The hurt we experience do not cause the Lord to stand off at a distance. It isn't making Him regret His decision about you.
For once our sin separated us from the Father, but because of Jesus that separation is no more. There is nothing great enough to cause us to be separated again.
Our sin was done away with on the Cross. Forgiveness has been extended to all. The veil has been torn. We are now invited to dwell and be with Him freely.
He is not off at a distance guarding Himself from our hurt and pain. He is not protecting Himself from our failures or mistakes. He is coming in close. Closer than we know.
He is close to you, here and now. Breathe Him in. Rest in His great love for you, being confident that the veil is torn and nothing can ever have the power to separate you from His love. The price has been paid. Jesus did it, so we can come near.
Draw near to the Lord, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). He has not kept you at a distance. He now calls you Beloved.
Come close to Him, and let Him in.
With grace,