All He wants is a heart that wants Him.
That's it.
You don't have to have fancy words or fancy clothes or a fancy title. You don't need to know the Bible inside and out, backwards and forwards. You don't need to know how to pray nonstop for hours on end.
He simply wants a heart that is hungry, a heart that is eager, a heart that is ready. Even a heart that is a little hesitant or even afraid. He isn't looking for perfection, He is looking for what is real. He is looking for you.
You don't have to come as anybody else. You don't have to mimic anybody else. You don't have to try to sound like anybody else or try to approach God like anybody else does.
All He wants is you.
Just you.
He wants your heart, even the parts of it that aren't pretty. He wants your personality, even the parts of it that make you feel insecure. He wants your past, your present, and your future. He wants you before you figure it all out. He wants you even when you think that He doesn't. He wants you. All of you. Every bit of you that you have to offer. He wants it all: the good, bad, pretty, and ugly. He wants every part of you and every part of your story. To Him, you are enough.
He isn't looking for a cookie cutter, picture perfect Christian to be His bride.
He is looking for you.
Just as you are. Right here, right now. His arms are open wide.
He is looking for you.
Just come.