He is your Rock. Your fortress. Your safe place. Your landing place.
When life gets to be too much for you, He is there. He is the constant even in the midst of turmoil and danger. In chaos, He is your peace.
He is the rock in the middle of the storm. He will not be shaken. He cannot be moved.
He is your firm foundation, the One on whom you can set your hope.
Let His steady nature calm you. Let His presence fill you with His peace.
Let your overwhelmed and anxious heart come and find comfort and rest in the Lord.
Let Him be all that you need Him to be.
In light of everything going on in the world today, may we be reminded of the One who is steadfast. In your panic and worrying, fear and scurrying, may He be the Rock that you run to. May you be reminded that you are free to come to the only One who has already overcome.
May His peace ring louder in your heart than the shouts and screams of society. May you be confident in His ability to be in control.
May find rest and be at peace, knowing you are dearly loved and so closely held.
In Him,