Over the past few days, I've had a song stuck in my head. It goes like this:
"There's nothing that our God can't do.
There's not a mountain that He can't move.
O praise the Name that makes a way,
there's nothing that our God can't do.
There's nothing that our God can't do.
There's not a prison wall He can't break through.
O praise the Name that makes a way,
there's nothing that our God can't do."
With this song being on repeat in my head, God has used it as a reminder for me all day every day that when it comes to impossible circumstances and things in life happening that we didn't expect, there are two options. We can cower in fear, or we can put our faith and hope in Jesus.
We can know that just because we didn't expect it doesn't mean that God didn't expect it. Just because we weren't prepared for it doesn't mean God isn't prepared for it. Just because we feel like we have to scramble to try and figure out how to come up with a solution doesn't mean God is now scrambling trying to figure out how He will come up with a solution.
Y'all, the God of the impossible is on our side. There is absolutely nothing that He cannot do. There is absolutely nothing that is too hard for Him. What we see as challenges - that's NOTHING to Jehovah.
Our God is so much bigger than we realize. May our impossible scenarios and circumstances remind us of that truth. There is nothing that He can't do.
I heard someone say years ago that impossible situations are the perfect opportunities for God to work a miracle, and I have stood on that since then.
Y'all. Let's flip our impossible circumstances on their head. Instead of giving into our natural instinct of freaking out when something feels impossible, and allowing it to have power over us, let us use those impossible situations as an opportunity to rejoice in faith that because this is impossible for me, I can't wait to see how God will come through and move in this on my behalf.
There's nothing that our God can't do.
He is my God. He is your God. May we remember the God we serve when the world tries to make us forget.
There is nothing that He can't do. There is nothing that He can't handle.
He makes a way when there seems to be no way.
Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
Be blessed and remember the God that you serve.
In Him,