Even in times like this, moments like this, you are not forsaken.
He has never left your side, nor does He ever plan on it.
You can trust Him when He says that He will always be there, for, in fact, He certainly will.
Even when times are hard and situations are frustrating, even when you feel alone and think the world has forgotten about you, know that He is by your side. He has never missed a moment of your life.
When He makes promises to us, they are not like the broken promises from other humans, but they are promises not found in this world. When He makes promises to never leave us, that word and that promise stands true. From the moment He made it throughout all eternity.
He has not left your side. He has not forsaken you.
For to do so would make Him not God.
Our God is true. Our God is loving. Our God is faithful.
There is nothing you can do or have done to you that would change that.
Rest and believe, dear child of the Most High God, you are not forsaken. You never have been and you never will be. Look and see that He is here with you, in everything. Know that you are never alone, but you are loved more than you will ever know.