Today is day 21 of writing these Lent reflections, which means we're officially OVER halfway to the end! It's so crazy to me that when I first started this, I was completely lost, not knowing how I could possibly write something every single day for the next 40 days, and more than that, I had no idea what I would write.
But as we know, God is good and He has shown me thus far in the journey (and will continue to show me for the rest of this journey and even beyond) that He still speaks.
When I pause long enough to listen to my Father, I can hear His voice. I can hear His heart. I can feel His presence.
So often in life we are rushing and so busy and so caught up in everything going on around us that we do not take the time to just sit and be with the Father.
If nothing else, this journey of writing every single day during Lent has caused me to slow down and wait and listen to see what God is saying and what He wants to tell His people.
Now that we are officially over halfway done, what first felt daunting to me has now become so exciting. What first felt like something impossible, now feels natural. What first felt like such a long period of time, now feels like there is not enough time.
Isn't it funny how God works? How God moves? How when He first speaks something to us, we doubt Him and laugh like Sarai did in Genesis, only to find out that what He spoke actually IS possible because He is the God of all possibility?
See, God knows why He is telling you to do something. He knows what is on the other side of our obedience. He knows that our obedience will lead to more confidence in Him and it will allow us to see how He has come through, yet again. He knows that it will lead to restored hope and joy, more than anything this world could ever give.
But so often we let fear stop us from obeying. We let rationality stop us from obeying. We let the opinions and words of other people stop us from obeying because we give them more attention than the opinions and words of God.
What are you waiting for? He has already given you the instruction - take that first leap of faith and just DO it. Swallowing our pride, setting out past our fear, and just obeying without holding anything back enables us to see that wow - He really is God and has been all along.
He's not asking you to make sense of what He is saying. He is asking you to move.
He is still speaking. We are only to listen and surrender. Such great things await once we finally do.
May you be blessed,