Earlier today I was having a conversation with a friend about how God works in ways that don't make the most sense to us sometimes.
She got to talking about a post she read that talked about how sometimes it feels like God does things at the last minute, but He does it so that He will get the glory from it.
What a great reminder. Just this morning, God was showing me that the way He operates is intentional, it is purposeful. Not only for us and for our lives, but He operates in such a way that He will get the most glory from whatever the situation is.
If we were in the same situations or the same circumstances, but instead they were happening on our timetable or when we thought they should happen, we would be robbing God of the glory that He is rightly due.
When we rush God, we are unknowingly attempting to rob God of glory that He is due.
He knows what we need. And He knows when we need it. He is operating in His own timing (which is good for us) because He knows how to get the most glory from a situation.
The next time you find yourself hoping things would move a little bit faster or be a little bit different, just remember that God has orchestrated things in such a perfect way so that He would get the most glory possible from every situation.
Do not rob God of the glory that He so greatly deserves.
Trust Him in the process. Trust in His timing. Rejoice with Him, knowing that He is all-knowing and has infinitely more wisdom than you or I could ever have.
When He is moving a littttttle bit slower than we would like Him to, remember that there is purpose in that, and the waiting is to be endured so that we can bring God the most glory possible.
Have joy in the waiting. Know that He is doing it all for His glory. What a great story we get to be a part of: giving God glory.
If this was done any other way, He would not get as much glory from it as He is getting now. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him in that.
Bring Him in, celebrate with Him, give Him glory.
He is worthy, and though it may be happening slowly, He is working– so for that reason, give Him praise.
May He get the glory out of our lives as much as possible, with nothing left.
Blessings to you all,