We don't put Jesus first because we feel like we have to. We don't put Him first because it's what we've been taught is the right thing to do. We don't put Him first because otherwise we think He'll be angry.
No, we put Jesus first because every other god is a lesser god. Every other god is a distraction from the One who is True. Every other god falls short in comparison to our good and faithful God.
When we put Jesus first, when we allow Him to be seated on the throne of our hearts, we experience Him for who He is. We yield our way to His, knowing that His way is infinitely better. We yield our wants and desires to His, knowing that His wants and His desires are what we truly need. We yield our life to what He has for us because it is better than anything we could have ever come up with on our own.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we open ourselves up to His love. His good and perfect love, not one that has been tainted by a broken world. We open ourselves up to His faithful love. His enduring love. His everlasting love.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we open ourselves up to His wisdom. His infinite wisdom that will only lead to good things. His incomprehensible wisdom that reminds us that He operates in ways that are not our ways and cannot be understood by man. And that it is okay because we don't have to understand in order for it to be good.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we open ourselves up to His peace. His peace that fills even the most anxious soul. His peace that is available for me and for you even in the middle of the darkest night. His peace that doesn't always change things or simply make them okay, but allows us to see that even amidst sorrow, He is sufficient.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we open ourselves up to abundance. We open ourselves us to joy. We open ourselves up to being led and sustained by the Father. Always.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we see that there is none that can compare to Him. And we realize what a blessing it is that He chooses us.
When we put Jesus on the throne of our hearts, we are changed, for the better, for eternity. And He is lifted high. We yearn for Him and glean from His character, and we get to know what a privilege it is to be called His child.