Things look so much different right now than I thought they would – than anyone thought they would. A year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago.
Things look so much different, and who knew they would? Definitely not me.
One thing to remember when things happen and life catches us off guard and makes us feel like we are unprepared for whatever season we are suddenly thrust into, is that God saw this coming. He knew all along. Nothing catches God by surprise.
Everything He does is so intentional and planned and purposed. And while God is not the reason for all of the things we are currently facing in this world, we can rest assured that in His goodness, He has a reason and a purpose for it all.
For all of the confusion and chaos, the bitterness and brokenness, the anger, the anxiety, the panic, the grief, the heartache. He works it all together for good. Someone said to me not too long ago, that if it isn't good yet, God's not done yet.
Goodness will come from this. Goodness is here in the middle of this. Right here. Now. Today. This moment. There is goodness to be found. Goodness we didn't even see coming because this is a time where so many unexpected things are taking place. Unexpected goodness can take place here, too.
God is still working and moving and mending and fixing and redeeming and restoring a broken world back to His original design; His perfect plan.
Be hopeful, for He is not finished yet.