It's so easy for me to rely on my feelings when it comes to my relationship with God. To really crave the moments where I can feel His presence during worship or prayer. To think He is closer because I can feel His heart. To know that I am in tune with the Lord when I am hearing His voice.
But what about the moment when I can't feel His presence? When I don't get the chills or tears, or even the feelings of confirmation in my heart? What about when I am actively trying to listen but all I hear in response is silence?
Do I press in a little bit longer until I do? Do I pray a little harder until I get a response? Do I worship a little deeper until I can sense that He is near?
Or do I let my knowledge of His Word suffice? Am I confident in knowing that even when I can't feel Him, He is always there? Even when I don't have an emotional response to a worship song, can I have faith enough to believe that even in the moment that feels empty, He is still doing a work in my heart? When I hear no voice or feel no confirmation, when the words of scripture are not jumping off the page at me like they usually do, can I believe that He is still speaking?
Even when my emotions fail me, when my feelings don't align with Truth, or when my ears and heart feel like they're only connecting to silence, here's what I know: My God is faithful (Lamentations 3:22-23). He has made a promise to never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5), and therefore I can stand on His Word. His Words are true (2 Timothy 3:16). They will not fail (Isaiah 40:8). He does not change like the shifting shadows (James 1:17).
When I can't feel Him, He is there. When I can't hear Him, He is speaking. When I am not having an emotional response, He is still moving.
Our feelings come and go. It is the Word of God that will remain forever.
For even when our feelings tell us He is far, He is there, closer than ever before.
In Him,