When you're feeling tired or weary, come to the Well.
Come to the Fountain of Living Water and drink.
Drink this Living Water that has the power to revive your soul.
This journey of following Christ is not easy. It is nowhere near easy because it is a constant battle to give our Lord the place in our hearts and lives that He deserves. It's normal to grow fatigued. To get worn out. To lose sight of the purpose you began this journey to begin with. And sadly it's easier than we think to lose sight of Christ somewhere along the way as we are having to face giants that no one else seems to know or care about.
But the good news is this. When we grow weary, He doesn't. When we lose sight of Him, He doesn't lose sight of us. When we need to pause, when we need to take a break, when we need to stop and rest for a moment, He has grace enough for that. Us needing a breather is not a problem in and of itself because it reminds us that we are human and we cannot do this in our own strength. If anything, our weakness and lack of capacity is what brings us back to our knees. It is what takes us from the place of pride that we can so easily succumb to when our journeys with the Lord look like we think they are "supposed" to look.
But when we reach that breaking point. When we grow frustrated or angry with the Lord and are ready to give up. When we feel like we can't go on any longer so we want to quit, that is the perfect place for God to intervene. It is that place that brings us back to our knees. It brings us back to that place of sweet surrender we experienced when our walks with the Lord first began.
We don't have to run from being weary. We don't have to despise being tired. Instead, may we let the temptation to quit and give up drive us to our knees in prayer and remind us that we need Christ like never before.
One quote that I love says "May I never forget on my best day, that I still need God as desperately as I did on my worst day."
Let our weariness turn us to the One who never grows weary. Who never sleeps nor slumbers. Who can carry all of our burdens and carry every load that we give to Him.
He allows us to grow weary, to need rest, and to reach the end of ourselves, so that we might more deeply know that He is never ending and His well never runs dry.
There's room for your weary soul here, in the Presence of our Lord. Let Him refresh your soul, so you may journey on and continue towards Him.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. -Jesus
(Matthew 11:28)
In Christ,