We've officially been journeying together during Lent for 31 days now. And as Easter gets nearer and nearer, I've began to contemplate the reality of the Resurrection and what that means for us in today's time.
Jesus, during His life here on earth, demonstrated for us what our lives should look like and the kind of people we should be. One of the greatest characteristics that Jesus displayed constantly was one of compassion.
Jesus did not live selfishly. At all. His entire life was dedicated to doing the will of His Father, and as a result, it was dedicated to loving and serving others. This love that Jesus constantly walked in and put on display for us is compassion.
I remember years ago I was reading a devotional written by Compassion International on the Bible app, and it said: Compassion is not just an emotion, it is an action to do something for another who is in need.
It's been years since I read that, and yet it has stuck with me. Compassion is not just sympathizing with someone, but it is the action that follows the emotion. The action that demonstrates and proves that our love is not lacking, yet is so great that it is compelling me to move beyond feeling into action.
This is the life Jesus lived and demonstrated every single day of His years here on earth. He walked and breathed compassion on every single person He encountered. No one met with Jesus and remained the same. His compassion changed lives.
And this is the kind of compassion He invites us to experience from Him today, and then take it a step further and extend to others. And what better time to practice compassion than now? When the entire country (and very many other parts of this world) are caught in a frenzy. Where it is more natural to be led by fear than by faith. When it is easy to be overcome by all of the numbers and statistics.
This is the time for compassion. This is the time for us as Believers to lean into Jesus, learn from Him, and then extend that same compassion to the world around us.
And compassion doesn't have to just look a certain way. It can be an encouraging text, a call, or a letter in the mail. In a world of social distancing and quarantining, physical acts of compassion may not be feasible or safe (please stay home if you can😊), but that does not mean all acts of compassion have to be set aside.
Jesus' compassion was never limited by physical circumstances, so ours doesn't have to be, either.
May we get rid of our excuses, step out of our comfort zones, and allow our lives to be driven by compassion. In doing so, may others see Christ in us and praise His holy Name.
By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another. -Jesus (John 13:35, Amplified Bible)
Go in Him. Go in love. Go in Compassion.
Peace to you,