There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
God is the author of time. He stands outside of time, and therefore knows what will happen before it does. He is the One who created time, and the One who ordains and orchestrates things to happen exactly at the right time, the right moment, the right occasion.
For us, time is a mystery, a concept that is hard to grasp. But for the One who created time, it is a tool in His fingertips.
For some things, we seem to wait endlessly for them to arrive. For others, we seem to wait endlessly for them to leave.
For other things, we seem to be ill prepared when they get here. And for others, we are ill prepared when they leave.
Time is a mysterious concept, because though we might plan and map out things and try to take the proper steps to be able to know when it is time for something to happen, we can never fully know when the time is going to come.
But God does. He knows it and has already planned it and is already moving it so that it will happen when He wills it to happen.
Time is not something that we can control, but it is something that we must adhere to. On the other hand, time is merely an object in the hands of our Father, being twisted and turned so that when He declares the time is right, then the time must be right.
Time is not our enemy, and it is not our weapon. When we realize the One who truly orchestrates time, we can see that it is being used for our good. For it is our Loving Abba that holds all time in His hands. It is our Loving Abba that is in control of time.
And if He is in control of time, then how much more can I trust that He is in control of me and all that concerns me?
Our Father is good, constant, faithful and the Ruler of time.
We can trust Him.
Blessings to you all,