It is the Lord's kindness that leads us to repentance.
It is His kindness that leads us to know His heart deeper.
It is His kindness that invites us in and washes us clean.
Kindness is an undeserved gift; a gift of grace. One we have all been recipients of day after day after day, often times without even realizing it.
God's kindness is found every time you ask Him for forgiveness, and every time you forgive another person. It is found in every sunrise and every sunset. It is found in a friend's encouragement, a sibling's laugh, and a mother's embrace.
His kindness is all around. It is in the small blessings, the things we so often take for granted if we don't take the time to slow down enough to notice. Things like: leaves blowing in the wind, a bird's chirp, new flowers blossoming in spring.
His kindness is found even in hardship and in heartache. In each day when you didn't think you would make it through again, but you did. In each tear that makes you feel like you're alone, but you're not. In each flaw/imperfection/scar that makes you feel like you're worthless, but in reality you are loved beyond measure.
His kindness makes all of this possible, and it finds you here today, wherever you are.
Breathe it in. It is His gift to you.
In Him,