Hope in righteousness; Hope in Christ.
How refreshing and reassuring it is for me to know that my own righteousness is not what puts me at right standing with God. It is only the righteousness of Christ.
My own righteousness makes me an enemy to God because it redirects my attention not on what Christ has done but on what I can do. It fills me with self righteousness, a false idea of having earned God's approval. It causes me to look down on others who may not believe/act/look like I do. It causes me to be filled with pride; the exact opposite of what God desires.
Christ's righteousness, however, is not like mine. He walked perfectly with the Father while also maintaining a pure heart, a loving heart, and a humble heart.
The difference? Christ's righteousness is real. It is steady and long lasting. I might find myself to be "righteous" one day, and then a sinner the next.
But Christ? He IS righteousness. His does not change.
On the Cross, this great exchange took place. Jesus replaced my idea of righteousness with His actual righteousness. He took my sin. He was dealt my shame. And He gave up His righteousness so that I could be in right standing with the Father.
It is not my own righteousness. My righteousness fails me a thousand times because it is really pride with the appearance of being righteous. It is nothing more than sin dressed up beautifully.
The Cross is what makes me righteous. Jesus is the righteous one, not me. And the moment I forget that is the moment I fall, yet again.
May my eyes be fixed on the Cross of Christ. The reason for my hope. The reason for my righteousness.
May the Lord keep us all near the Cross.
In Him,