Throughout His life here on earth, Jesus constantly looked to His Father. He always had His eyes and heart turned towards the Father. He never did anything on His own accord, yet only what His Father told Him to do.
He did not take a single step outside of the will that The Father had for Him.
May we be like this. May we fix our eyes and turn our ears and hearts to the Lord.
May we look to Him always, in all things and for all things.
May we never grow weary of seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and in doing so, having all things be added unto us.
Let's follow in the footsteps of Jesus and fix our eyes on Heaven. This life is not all that we are here for. We are living for a much bigger purpose, leading to an everlasting Kingdom.
May we fix our eyes above, looking to Jesus over all of the mountains and waves that come crashing all around us. May we fix our minds on Jesus, not being overcome or overwhelmed by what we may see or hear. May we fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith.
May we look to the Maker of the Heavens, where our help comes from.
Make we turn our eyes and ears and hearts to His, that we might be able to bring His Kingdom to this earth.
May we turn towards our Father and be filled with His compassion and grace, His love and mercy, to give to everyone we encounter today and forevermore.
May we continually seek His face that He might shine upon us and that as a result His Name will be praised forever.
In Christ,