Sunday, November 22, 2020

Connected To The Vine with Tiffany Catron


I am so excited about today's post, but first I have to say– God is funny lol! I recorded this interview with Tiffany back in April. It is now November. And while I could give a million reasons why it took me so long to actually publish this, I have to say it all comes down to God's timing and His plans and purposes. 

While I think this was a timely word for when we recorded it, and I thought it would be a timely word for when I originally scheduled to post it, I know it is definitely a timely word for right now. Where we find ourselves at this point in the year, the Lord has been pressing it on my heart that now more than even we need to be digging deep into His Word and getting ourselves rooted in Him. So what better time than now to let you all hear this conversation that Tiffany and I had about being connected to the Vine, who is Jesus. 

I hope this conversation encourages, challenges, blesses and convicts you. I hope you leave this conversation feeling more refreshed and more ready to press into the Lord and spend time with Him. I hope above all, that it will challenge you to grow your roots deeper into the Lord so that from that place, you can know Him more and carry His Truth and hope into the world around you. Enjoy!

[If the above player doesn't work, you can click here to listen.]

Connected to the Vine with Tiffany Catron:
0:00 - Opening Prayer
1:19- Tiffany’s Wanderlust
4:15 - Finding Christ and Being Satisfied in Him
6:58 - Favorite Country to Visit
9:07 - Go-to Song on a Rough Day
11:05 - Connected to the Vine Intro
13:48 - Learning to Abide
17:25 - What it Looks Like to Spend Time with the Lord
19:20 - The Story of Lavender Vines
24:30 - Being Seen, Known, and Loved
26:26 / 36:40 - Knowing How God Speaks
29:22 - Seeing God’s Faithfulness in Unfair Circumstances
35:10 - The Pruning that Comes from Being Connected
37:12 - A Season of Pruning
48:25 - Encouragement for Those Who Want to Hear from God
52:36 - How to Distinguish the Voice of God
57:00 - How the Body of Christ Works Together to Confirm the Voice of God
57:20 - Navigating “Dry Seasons”
1:00:35 - How Staying Connected Helps You Be a Light in the Darkness
1:04:27 - Being the Light
1:06:52 - God’s Perfect Timing
1:09:30 - Being an Influencer for Christ and Leading by Example
1:11:59 - Closing Prayer

Meet Tiffany!

Tiffany is the author and founder behind the popular Christian blog, Lavender Vines, and Christian greeting card business by the same name, Lavender Vines Co. Her online journey began when she experienced the love of God so radically and so profoundly that all she wanted to do was tell others about how amazing Jesus is.

In 2017 she started a Christian blog in hopes of somehow inspiring others in their walk with the Lord. Since then it has grown to reach hundreds of thousands of people. In 2019 she launched a line of Christian greeting cards, a life-long dream of hers. The hope was that they would be little seeds of faith that could be shared with loved ones and friends as they walk through all seasons of life, both the times of pain and the times of joy.

When not typing away at a new blog post or designing a new card, you’ll likely find Tiffany at a local coffee shop sipping on a salted caramel latte, strolling through a farmer’s markets, or planning her next vacation. As a pure travel junkie, she has traveled to 54 countries, loving the adventure in chasing wanderlust. But she can honestly say that chasing the Lord has been by far the greatest adventure yet!

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